SEASON 1 - Ep.07 Social Media - How do algorithms work?
Hello and welcome back to NoKiddingNews. You should know the drill by now… (drumroll sound) I’m Bruno, and I’m here to keep you informed but also engaged .. NOKIDDING !! Last week we started talking about social media. The benefits, downsides and the way software companies have made US the product. This week we’re going to discuss about one of the worst side-effects of social media - FAKE NEWS! As we said in our last podcast fake news travels 6 time faster then authentic ones .. no kidding !!! Fake news means different things to different people, but today we’re defining it as news stories which are false. Either the story itself is made up, or it has no verifiable facts, sources or quotes. It can take any form, from an article to a tweet … so how do fake news stories get to people and why do we believe them? Well, it all comes down to the algorithms! Our first guest today has done some research for us .. welcome Timur, what can you tell us about an algorithms and how do they affect what we see on our social media accounts? An algorithm is a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task…
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